How it Works


You and your partner find an hour or two. Call it date night, check-in, family meeting, whatever you want.

You set up the space - a blanket, a rug and candle, a cup of tea - wine if that’s your thing.

You turn off your phones. You take out the cards and the timer.

Settle in together.

Shuffle the cards, and take turns picking a card at random.


There are 4 types of card: Ask me, Tell me, Deep Sharing, and Body.

The cards invite one of you to share on a theme.

It’s not a conversation.

Once a card is pulled, you set the timer and the clock starts. You get 2, 3, 4, or 5+ minutes (depending on the card).

And here’s the thing… When one of you speaks, the other person has to listen! SHHH!

That’s right - no interruptions, no finishing each other’s sentences, none of your usual unhelpful dynamics.

The fourth type of card is BODY. It’s about touch.

Not super-sexy touch. Just simple silent things - a short massage, and embrace, a kiss.

Because let’s face it, connection is about more than thinking and talking.

Sometimes that shoulder rub at the kitchen table is worth more than anything he could say. :-)

We spent years researching, trialing and refining the cards, and we reckon we’ve covered a lot of the essential relationship themes - themes that it pays to revisit regularly.

Truth is, the power of the game is only limited by how brave you’re willing to be, how honestly you can share, and how generously you can listen.

Long term relationship is a tough gig, and YUM just might be your relationship’s new best friend.